Monday, March 12, 2012

WAL about 6 Hat Thinking

On Friday at Assembly, we shared our thinking about Assembly!  We used four of the Thinking Hats, and made hats with newspaper to match our ideas.

Ciaran - Assembly happens on Fridays at 2 o'clock in the Hall.
Jacob - The whole school goes to Assembly.
Monet - We use the microphone.
Holly - We sing and pray.
Isabella - Some family members and visitors come.
Samuel - Classes share their learning.

Emily - We learn new things from other learners.
Linnea - It is a chance to share our learning with the school and our families.
Sofia - We get to sing fun songs.
Bradley - We get a chance to sit up the front.
Darius - It's a time to talk to God together as a school.
Rachel - The whole school gets together.

Stevie - I feel happy to know we will have a turn to share at Assembly.
Isabelle - I feel nervous because I might forget what to do or say.
Gihara - I feel excited because I can see what other learners are doing.
Ella - I feel nervous up the front.
William - I feel happy to share my learning up the front.
Zachary - I feel happy because it is exciting.

Ani - We could decorate the Hall.
Jasmine - We could have music playing while people arrive.
Luke - Assembly could start earlier or be after morning tea.
Kiwa - The class who is presenting could sit on chairs.
Tyrah - We could have welcomers at the door.

We might try some of our Green Hat creative thinking ideas next time we share at Assembly!


  1. I have fun at school every monday at discovery time rachel & mum(megan)

  2. Wonderful sharing at assembly Amazing Eights :0)

  3. Wonderful sharing at assembly Amazing Eights :0)

  4. I liked learning about the life cycle of a butterfly.

  5. We love your thinking hats and all your great ideas.
    The Bos Family
